Friday, July 31, 2009

New website and demoreel are finally online

Hi all,

It's done, my new website and showreel are both finally online. It has been quite a ride getting to know CSS, HTML and PHP enough and installing a "professional" server-based blogging software on my private server - but I'm happy with the result and the future ability to make changes to this website and potentially integrating the blog to this website now. Please feel free to go to the website and click on the various buttons, check out the new reel, and overall let me know what you think. I hope that the site shows up fine on your browser and system. If not, please let me know.

The link has not changed. It is still:

Comments are always welcome, thank you very much,


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dog revisited...

I often find that my cycles get better polish if I move them through actual space instead of animating them on spot... it helps me to see the arcs of the feet a bit better. I also had to speed it up a bit - it was too slow, imho.

So, here is the new version...

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Who let the dogs out???

Well, I've been busy lately doing some tests and working on my reel. I'm starting on a test for a really great game company today but wanted to show you my latest run cycle (click here for a quicktime). I had never worked with quadrupeds before and really wanted to get into this. It's a lot of fun (and twice the amount of legs to take care of =)...

Now, onto something completely different =)

Have fun, everyone,
