Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Birthday present

Hi guys,

Today is my birthday and many of you guys actually noticed it! How come? Are you magicians? Anyway, my biggest birthday present is (next to be a healthy believer) certainly Animation Mentor which I made from me to myself =) lol.

I can't wait until the next week because today I got another birthday present: one week off next week!!! Yehaa! That mean's I'm going to have all the time I need to read all of those hundreds and thousands of interesting threads at AM!

And that is exactly what I'm going to do. Oh, one final thing: I changed my username from IronGiant to "Alex M Lehmann" to help you with my real name. I'm still a big IronGiant-fan and I'm lucky enough to work with one of the supervisors of IG currently at the animation studio I work for.

So much for now, stay animated!

- Alex

1 comment:

eneries said...

Whoops, happy belated bday and welcome to AM!!!
