Sunday, October 23, 2005

Week 05 - Animation Mentor

Hi all,

My animation assignment was a lot of work this week (if you can't work on it 7 days)... there is a lot happening and it takes some time until things look believable. I'm fine to the point to upload it but I know that I won't like it tomorrow anymore... ahh, animation is so frustrating due to the fact you have to finish it at a certain point and still could work on it twice as much...

Well, anyway, here is it:

Critique is welcome as ever. Have fun,

- Alex


uwe said...

deine animation sieht gut und glaubwuerdig aus. weiter so!

im uebrigen, ein interessanter blog. ich werde jetzt mal oefter reinschauen :)


Alex M. Lehmann said...

Hi all, nice to see people comment on this. Feel free to say whatever you think I will try to answer some question even =)