Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Week 07 - early feedback welcome

Hi all,

this is an early test on this weeks assignment which features 120 frames of an one-legged character jumping... feel free to send me some comments and ideas about it =)

- Alex

1 comment:

Boris Hiestand said...

very nice. Like the weight shifting of the foot as you anticipate the jump.


*the leg going over the wall looks a bit awkward.. This can be helped by not putting the leg so far behind him/back as he jumps up, but keeping it more under him. You'll get more drag out of this as well.

*it feels like there are too many frames between the contact and the squash positions. try putting frame 84 on frame 82, or maybe even 81. You'll get more snap out it this way. more weight as well.

*I think you might have held the squashed ball for too long. he goes back to his normal volume with the same timing and speed as the recoil. Maybe break it down one more time so he's back to his normal volume before he's recoiled.
I know it's pleasing to look at, but he looks a little too much like he's made out of jelly..